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OUT OF STOCK ITEMS THAT HAVE SOLD OUT updated 12/03/24 - This page is current for the Fall 2024 update 8" forceps - #6100.8 - $2.25 - stainless steel tweezers *Aloe krapohliana v. dumoulinii - #9051 - 1.5"seedling - $6.00 - dwarf variety of this species, from coastal Namaqualand, RSA, light blue-green rosettes of short curved leaves, might fill a 6" pot, short spike of red flowers in winter Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus ssp. sladkovskyi - #9131 - .75"seedling - $15.00 - San Francisco, SLP, MX - dwarf thick root topped with smooth triangular dark green tubercles, this A. kotschoubeyanus grows faster and larger than common type, flowers have sharply pointed dark pink petals, these should be flowering size*Corallocarpus bainesii(CUCURBITACEAE) - #6794 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - rough light green vines and leaves, forms small teardrop-shaped caudex, self-fertile minute green flowers produce pea-sized red fruit *Cumulopuntia subterranea DJF446 - #7470 - 2.25"potRC - $6.00 - (= Puna subterranea) (S of La Quiaca, Juyjuy, ARG) rooted cuttings of this dwarf species, clustering short upright finger-thick olive green stems form thick roots, few minute brown spines, 1"+ light pink flower Echinocereus palmeri - #9314 - 3.25"pot - $8.00 - about 1"-thick dark green stem with thick taproot, thin black and white spines, large dark pink flower, rarely available *Echinocereus pulchellus ssp. acanthosetus - #8126 - .85"plant - $5.00 - small soft green stems with soft short white spines held close, thick taproot, large dark purple-pink flower, flowering size *Echinocereus viridiflorus ssp. canus - #8233 - 1"wide x 1.5"tall seedling - $5.00 - small seedlings have soft white hairlike spines, the mature spines are long, erect and pink and white, green flowers with citrus scent *Epithelantha greggii ssp. greggii - #9491 - 1.3"tall seedling - $6.00 - SB321, Cuesta La Muralla, Coah. MX, soft upright stem with dense minute off-white spines, pinkish-white flowers, not self-fertile *Escobaria vivipara ssp. bisbeeana - #7560 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - round to egg-shaped stem covered in dense white spines with brown tips, spines wrap stem in immature plants, spines longer and more erect on mature plants, large pink flowers when mature *X Ferostenos hybrid #2 - #9879 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - haven't come up with a good cultivar name yet for this, this is Ferocactus macrodiscus X Stenocactus coptonogonus F2, favors the Stenocactus coptonogonus parent but often has longer spines which vary from light tan to reddish, while these have not flowered yet the F1 parents had nice pink and white flowers, nicer than either original species *Gasteria batesiana "Barberton Form" - #9225 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - propagations of one clone of this attractive form, thick dark green leaves with rough cat's-tongue textureGasteria 'Hogwarts' - #9284 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - decades-old hybrid of G. 'Little Warty' by Bill Baker, stouter than its parent, rough dark and light green leaves, rosettes sometimes sort of "square" looking and even crested once in a while Jacaratia corumbensis (CARICACEAE) - #5828 - 3.25"pot - $8.00 - succulent papaya relative, forms tree with thick starchy root (which is eaten in South America), can be grown as bonsai, separate male and female plants, odd inedible fruit *Mammilaria gracilis 'Oruga' - #9789 - 1.1"rooted offset - $5.00 - spineless cultivar with large fuzzy white areoles, often grafted these are on their own roots, small yellow flowers *Mammillaria hernandezii - #7294 - .85"plant - $10.00 - flowering size miniature, low green stem on thickened root, short tan spines held close to stem, large pink flowers in winter *Mammillaria perezdelarosae - #6822 - 1.8"plant - $8.00 - green stem covered in dense silvery radial spines, short hooked black central spines, small pink flowers, beautiful plant until about 4" tall then gets long and floppy, looks better when grown hard *Myrtillocactus geometrizans 'Fukurokuryuzinboku' - #9126 - 3.25pot rooted cutting - $10.00 - Blue Myrtle cactus but with tubercles instead of ribs*Neoporteria napina ssp. lembkei - #9473 - .8"seedling - $6.00 - club-shaped brownish-green stem on thick taproot, short tan spines, light yellow flowers *Obregonia denegrii - #5586 - 1.25"plant - $8.00 - Artichoke Cactus, low dark green stem with chiseled tubercles tipped with short yellow spines, wooly crown bears white flowers when larger * Operculecarya pachypus NEW (LIMIT 3) (ANACARDIACEAE) - #8865 - 3.25"pot - $15.00 - dwarf Madagascan tree, great for bonsai, thick tuberous roots can be raised for effect, stem will thicken with age, sometimes becoming warty and sometimes smoother, dark shiny compound leaves will drop in winter*Turbinicarpus beguinii "albiflorus" - #9602 - 1.1"plant - $6.00 - GM1047, Santa Rosa, ZAC, MEX, short upright green stem, dense erect white spines with black tips, white flowers (sometimes with blush of pink) in winter *Turbinicarpus lophophoroides - #5604 - .9"plant - $6.00 - blue-green stem, sparse short tan spines, large light pink flower from wooly crown when larger *Turbinicarpus viereckii ssp. neglectus - #7606 - .9"plant - $6.00 - L1159, Taumalipas MX, shortly columnar dark green stem, dense erect black and white spines, bright pink flowers