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Mestoklema thru Uncarina

RC = rooted cutting

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities


MESTOKLEMA tuberosa (MESEMBRYANTHEMACEAE) - #6871 - 6"pot - $15.00 - shrubby ice plant relative, brown-skinned roots thicken eventually and can be raised for effect, branches bear soft green leaves and coppery orange flower

*MOMORDICA rostrata NEW (LIMIT 3) (CURCURBITACEAE) - #5746 - .5"wide x 1.3"tall seedling - $6.00 - caudiciform cucurbit from NE Africa, in cultivation it makes a pleated teardrop shaped caudex with leafy vines during the summer, small unisexual yellow flowers, soft bright orange fruit, 9 to 1 male to female ratio, these are too small to flower so there is no way to sex them,

*PACHYPODIUM bispinosum x P. succulentum NEW (LIMIT 3) (APOCYNACEAE) - #9881 - 3.25"pot - $8.00 - some creature did unauthorized hybridizing, these are the second generation of hybrids, the plants look like P. bispinosum, but the flowers have a shallower narrower throat than P. bispinosum

P. succulentum - #7445.3 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - pencil-thick green stem from thick carrot-like taproot, long narrow green leaves, small brown spines, large pink flowers

PLEIOSPILOS nelii (AIZOACEAE) - #7463 - 2.25"pot - $4.00 - fat paired leaves with minute dots form a round body, large unscented orange flowers

TUMAMOCA macdougallii (CUCURBITACEAE) - #8526.2 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - native from southern Arizona to Sonora Mexico, mature plants have white underground lobed caudex, annual vines with dissected leaves, small white flowers and red fruit in summer

UNCARINA roeoesliana (PEDALIACEAE) - #7798 - 3.25"pot - $7.00 - smallest of the genus that can flower in a 3.25" pot, making low shrub to 3' tall with thick roots that can be raised, fuzzy light green leaves, 1"+ yellow flowers, fruit with 4-pronged barbs

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities

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