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New Items Updated 06/20/24

Out of Stock Updated 07/19/24


Ariocarpus - Echinocereus

Echinopsis - Malacocarpus


Matucana - Opuntia

Rebutia - Turbinicarpus

Crested & Monstrose Cacti


Asclepiads (Stapeliads)

Adenium - Corallocarpus

Dorstenia - Jacaratia


Mestoklema - Uncarina


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New Items - Updated - June 20th, 2024

G-SG = grafted on Stenocereus griseus G-HJ = grafted on Harrisia justbertii RC = rooted cutting

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities


Cacti  (Succulents at bottom of page)

Please note that there are additional Ariocarpus on the Ariocarpus - Echinocereus page.

*Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus ssp. elephantidens NEW (LIMIT 3) - #5441 - .65"seedling - $15.00 - dwarf stem with rosette of triangular tubercles flat with ground on top of thick taproot, tips of tubercles are slightly pointed upward and rougher than regular A. kotschoubeyanus, faster and larger growing than ssp. kotschoubeyanus with darker pink flowers, many of these flowered last fall

*Ariocarpus scaphirostris NEW (LIMIT 2) - #5101 - .6"seedling - $15.00 - Nuevo Leon, MX, dwarf species only grows to 2"-3" in diameter, rough upright dark green tubercles on thick taproot, large dark pink flower in fall, many of these are flowering size

Astrophytum myriostigma NEW (LIMIT 5) - #9673 - 1.25"seedling - $5.00 - from North of Las Palomas, SLP MEX, five-ribbed stem with fine flecking as seedling, produces more ribs as mature plant, yellow flowers when mature

Astrophytum myriostigma v. strongylogonum NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9846 - 1.4"seedling - $5.00 - Villar, SLP MEX, five-ribbed stem with fine flecking, yellow flower when larger

*Cleistocactus strausii crest NEW (LIMIT 1) - #9869 - 3.25"potG-SG - $10.00 - .9"-wide green fan, dense glassy white spines

Echinocereus lauii NEW (LIMIT 3) - #5291 - 1.1"seedling - $5.00 - small green stems will cluster, dense short soft white spines, pink flowers in spring

Echinocereus reichenbachii (miniature form) NEW - #8872 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - solitary club-shaped stem densely covered in short tan spines, large tricolored flower, pink then white and red in the center

*Echinocereus reichenbachii v. baileyi crest NEW (LIMIT 1) - #9646 - 3.25"potG-HJ - $10.00 - .75"-thick fan wrapped in dense short white spines

Echinocereus reichenbachii v. perbellus NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9373 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - Crane Co. TX, somewhat conical green stem, dense short, semi-erect white spines with black tips gives a shaggy look, pale pink flower

Echinocereus scheeri ssp. gentryi NEW - #5315 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - seedlings starting to cluster, finger-thick almost spineless dark green stems, large pink flower with long tube

Echinocereus viridiflorus ssp. canus NEW (LIMIT 3) - #8233 - 1" wide x 1.5" tall seedling - $5.00 - small seedlings have soft white hairlike spines, the mature spines are long, erect and pink and white, green flowers with citrus scent

Echinopsis subdenudata 'Fuzzy Navel' NEW - #8705 - 1.5"plant - $4.00 - round matte green stem, spineless fuzzy areoles, long-tubed white flowers in summer

Ferocactus emoryi ssp. rectispinus NEW - #9868 - 1.5"plant - $5.00 - West of San Francisco del la Sierra, BCS, stout gray-green body, columnar to several feet when mature, red and grayish spines, central spines on mature plants can grow to more than 4" long 

Ferocactus pottsii NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9074 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - matte green stem, sparse erect tan spines, forms large round stem, yellow flowers when mature 

Ferocactus wislizenii (yellow-spined) NEW - #9452 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - from yellow-spined plants in the Tucson area, yellow flowers, otherwise typical growth for this large green-stemmed barrel cactus with hooked central spines

*Frailea castanae NEW (LIMIT 2) - #5502 - .7"plant - $6.00 - low solitary brown stem with minute spines held close, yellow flowers

Gymnocalycium triacanthum NEW (LIMIT 3) - #5688 - 1.25"plant - $5.00 - low dark olive green stem, 3-5 short tan spines held close to the body, whitish flowers

Leuchtenbergia principis NEW - #5517 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - genetically belongs with Ferocactus and Leuchtenbergia is older, so Ferocactus should be Leuchtenbergia, but either way this is an unusual species, long blue-green tubercles with a triangular cross-section tipped with long papery yellow spines, large yellow flower, large taproot on mature plants can be raised for effect

Lobivia prestoana NEW - #7885 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - a form of L. cinnabarina, very low green stem, short curved yellowish spines, large bright red flowers

Mammillaria boolii NEW - #7263 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - from Baja California, soft egg-shaped light blue-green solitary stem, white radial spines, brown hooked central spines, large light pink flower in spring 

Mammillaria hernandezii NEW (LIMIT 3) - #7294 - .85"plant - $10.00 - flowering size miniature, low green stem on thickened root, short tan spines held close to stem, large pink flowers in winter

Mammillaria longiflora ssp. stampferi NEW - #6916 - 1"plant - $4.00 - round green stem, white radial spines and red hooked central spines, large light pink flower

Mammillaria magallanii NEW (LIMIT 3) - #8249 - 1"plant - $5.00 - miniature round to shortly columnar stem covered in short glassy tan spines, off-pink flowers

Mammillaria perbella NEW (LIMIT 3) - #5548 - 1.3"plant - $5.00 - low green stem branches dichotomously, short tan radial spines held close to the stem, minute black-tipped central spines, small pink flowers in the winter

Mammillaria perezdelarosae NEW (LIMIT 3) - #6822 - 1.8"plant - $8.00 - green stem covered in dense silvery radial spines, short hooked black central spines, small pink flowers, beautiful plant until about 4" tall then gets long and floppy, looks better when grown hard

Mammillaria scheideana NEW - #5555 - 1"plant - $4.00 - flattened dark green stem on thick root, soft short golden spines held close to the body, yellow flowers

Mammillaria solisioides NEW (LIMIT 3) - #7340 - 1"plant - $6.00 - solitary green stem covered in dense short yellow spines held close to the stem, yellow flowers in winter

Mammillaria theresae NEW (LIMIT 3) - #7355 - .5"tall seedling - $10.00 - flowering size miniature, soft purplish stem on thickened root, tubercles topped with feathery white spines held close to the stem, 1" pink flower with long tube, seeds stay inside plant trickling out over many years

Matucana ritteri NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9114 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - somewhat flattened shiny dark green stem, tan spines with darker bases, long dark red zygomorphic flower

Notocactus concinnus v. gerbalitoensis NEW - #9039 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - very flat light green stem, soft tan spines, huge yellow flower in spring when mature

Stenocactus sp. nova RI 8 NEW (LIMIT 3) - #8348 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (= S. crispatus?, have not found the collection number to confirm) dark green stem with many thick waxy ribs, sparse tan and brown spines, light pink and white flowers in the winter

Thelocactus buekii ssp. matudae NEW - #7947 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - long tubercles topped with erect yellowish spines, solitary green stem can grow to more than 8", large dark pink flowers

Turbinicarpus saueri ssp. septentrionalis NEW (LIMIT 2) - #9344 - 1.1"plant - $6.00 - low green stem, dense white radial spines, short black-tipped central spines, large pink and white flower in spring

*Weberbauerocereus winterianus crest NEW (LIMIT 1) - #7783 - 3.25potG-SG - $10.00 - .8"-wide fan, dense soft golden spines, (= Web. johnsonii)

Succulents (other than cacti)

Aloe krapohliana v. dumoulinii NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9051 - 1.5"seedling - $6.00 - dwarf variety of this species, from coastal Namaqualand, RSA, light blue-green rosettes of short curved leaves, might fill a 6" pot, short spike of red flowers in winter

Euphorbia francoisii NEW - #9488 - 4"potRC - $9.00 - these are well-rooted, branching cuttings from a number of different clones, rooted cuttings will eventually form thick roots that can be raised for effect

Euphorbia knuthii NEW - #5515 - 3.25"pot - #8.00 - nice seedlings of this tuberous species, long clambering mottled green and white stems with small paired black spines, roots can be raised for effect

Fockea edulis NEW (LIMIT 3) (APOCYNACEAE) - #7062 - 3.25"pot - $8.00 - vining caudiciform, thick white-skinned root can be raised for effect, vines with 1"-long green leaves with wavy edges

Gasteria 'Hogwarts' NEW (LIMIT 2) - #9284 - 2.25"pots - $5.00 - decades-old hybrid of G. 'Little Warty' by Bill Baker, stouter than its parent, rough dark and light green leaves, rosettes sometimes sort of "square" looking and even crested once in a while

Haworthia koelmanniorum NEW (LIMIT 3) - #7129 - 2.25"pot - $6.00 - flattened open rosette of rough fat brown leaves, related to H. limifolia, these are offsets from one clone
