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New Items Updated 09/05/24

Out of Stock Updated 10/10/24


Ariocarpus - Echinocereus

Echinopsis - Malacocarpus


Matucana - Opuntia

Rebutia - Turbinicarpus

Crested & Monstrose Cacti


Asclepiads (Stapeliads)

Adenium - Crassula

Dorstenia - Ibervillea


Mestoklema - Uncarina


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New Items - Updated - September 5th, 2024

G-SG = grafted on Stenocereus griseus G-HJ = grafted on Harrisia justbertii RC = rooted cutting

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities


Cacti  (Succulents at bottom of page)

Please note that there are additional Ariocarpus on the Ariocarpus - Echinocereus page.

*Astrophytum myriostigma v. colmnare NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9635 - 1.2"wide x 1"tall seedling - $5.00 - columnar stem to 3" thick and more than a foot tall, very dense white flecking, small yellow flowers when mature, aroeles on mature stem closely spaced

Astrophytum myriostigma "nudum" NEW - #5451- 2.25"pot - $5.00 - five-ribbed stem, dark green, no white flecking, yellow flower when larger

*Astrophytum myriostigma v. strongylogonum Las Tablas, SLP MEX NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9772 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - Las Tablas, SLP MEX, five-ribbed stem with fine flecking, yellow flower when larger

Echinocactus parryi NEW (LIMIT 5) - #8760 - 1.25"seedling - $8.00 - rarely available species, solitary blue-green stem, deep sharp ribs, stout tan and reddish spines, yellow flower with red center when mature(there was an error on the size first posted as 1.5"seedling, the correct size is 1.25" seedling)

Echinocereus reichenbachii v. baileyi NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9328 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - (Altus, OK) upright green stems, dense white and orange spines, light pink flower

*Echinocereus triglochidiatus NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9786 - 2.75"pot - $5.00 - (Laguna, NM, MG#261.2) soft thick green upright stem with long stout brownish spines, bright red flowers in spring when mature

Ferocactus glaucescens 'inermis' NEW (LIMIT 3) - #7050 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - light green stems with few thin yellow spines, as they mature they will stop producing spines, small yellow flowers when larger

*Ferocactus herrerae NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9882 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - SW of Quiriego, SON, MX, solitary club-shaped green stem as seedling, stout columnar body when mature, tan to red-brown spines with hooked central spines, yellow to orange flower when mature

*Gymnocalycium horridispinum NEW (LIMIT 3) - #7093 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - shiny green body, stout yellow spines, large pink flowers when larger

*Gymnoalycium lukasikii NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9577 - 1.25"plant - $5.00 - low soft purple to green stem, short light spines held close, light pink flowers

Gymnocalycium marsoneri NEW - #9878 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low dark green stem with thick gray-brown spines held close, whitish flower when mature

*Homalocephala texensis NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9880 - 1.25"plant - $5.00 - (=Echinocactus tex.) (6666 Ranch, Guthrie, TX) Horse Crippler, low gray-green stem, when mature has thick ribs with stout spines and erect central spines, large pink flower with darker center (this image is a generic seed grown specimen, not from 6666 Ranch)

*Mammillaria hahniana ssp. mendeliana NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9733 - 1.4"pot - $5.00 - low solitary dark green stem, paired black-tipped central spines, pink flowers in spring, wooly axils when mature

*Mammillaria mixtecensis NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9106 - 1.25"plant - $5.00 - a form of M. mystax, round dark green bodies, black spines, central spines occasionally long, rings of bright red/pink flowers larger than typical M. mystax in spring when mature

Mammillaria sempervivi NEW (LIMIT 3) - #6919 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - low solitary dark green stem, short whitish spines held close, pink flowers in spring

*Mammillaria theresae 'albiflora' NEW (LIMIT 1) - #8481 - 1"grafted offsetG-HJ - $10.00 - soft light green stem with feathery white spines, large white flower

Oreocereus trollii NEW - #5588 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - upright green stem wrapped with white hair, stout yellow to red spines poke through hair, clusters from base and red flowers when mature

*Stenocactus coptonogonus NEW (LIMIT 3) - #9775 - 1.4"plant - $5.00 - low gray-green stem with few heavy ribs, sparse upcurved grayish spines, light pink flower in winter

Stenocactus longispinus NEW (LIMIT 5) - #5595 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - green body, wavy ribs, dense yellow spines, longer central spines, white to pink flowers in spring when larger

Thelocactus bicolor v. pottsii NEW (LIMIT 3) - #8350 - 1.25"plant - $5.00 - SB77, Jimenez, CHI, MX, chunky green body, stout yellow and red spines, erect cental spine when mature, pale pink flower with darker center

Thelocactus conothelos ssp. argenteus NEW (LIMIT 5) - #9850 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - green body covered in dense white spines, pink flowers when mature

*Thelocactus conothelos ssp. flavus NEW (LIMIT 3) - #7644 - 1"plant - $5.00 - eventually shortly columnar dark green body, large tubercles bear long stout white and brown spines, large yellow flowers when mature

Thelocactus hexaedrophorus NEW (LIMIT 5) - #5602 - 1.3"plant - $5.00 - soft bluish body, large tubercles bear stout white and red spines, white flowers when larger

*Turbinicarpus saueri ssp. nelissae NEW (LIMIT 3) - #8498 - .9"plant - $6.00 - low solitary blue-green stem, white semi-erect spines, the longer spines with black tips, light pink flowers in winter

Succulents (other than cacti)

*Haworthia herrei v. jacobseniana NEW (LIMIT 2) - #7128 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - upturned small stiff blue-green leaves, forms small clusters

*Haworthia venosa ssp. tesselata 'Fang' NEW (LIMIT 2) - #8825 - 2.25"pot - $6.00 - very attractive wild clone collected in the 1990s or earlier, large windowed dark green leaves, tends to throw stolons out of the bottom of the pot but not as much as the generic H. venosa ssp. tesselata

Haworthia viscosa 'caespitosa' NEW - #7175 - 2.25"pot - $5.00 - dark green leaves form three-angled upright stem

*Momordica rostrata NEW (LIMIT 3) (CURCURBITACEAE) - #5746 - .5"wide x 1.3"tall seedling - $6.00 - caudiciform cucurbit from NE Africa, in cultivation it makes a pleated teardrop shaped caudex with leafy vines during the summer, small unisexual yellow flowers, soft bright orange fruit, 9 to 1 male to female ratio, these are too small to flower so there is no way to sex them,

*Pachypodium bispinosum x P. succulentum NEW (LIMIT 3) (APOCYNACEAE) - #9881 - 3.25"pot - $8.00 - some creature did unauthorized hybridizing, these are the second generation of hybrids, the plants look like P. bispinosum, but the flowers have a shallower narrower throat than P. bispinosum
