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RC = rooted cutting LQ = limited quantity

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities


*LITHOPS aucampiae C46 (LIMIT 3) (AIZOACEAE) - #8283 - .75"plant - $3.00 - reddish brown body, jagged darker markings on top

L. aucampiae v. koelemanii (LIMIT 5) - #8784 - .75"plant - $3.00 - light brown body, network of brown markings on top

L. bromfieldii v. insularis - #7734 - .75"plant - $3.00 - brown body, brown top with darker brown markings

L. bromfieldii v. insularis 'Sulphurea' (LIMIT 3) - #8567 - .5"plant - $3.00 - yellow-green body, darker green on top

L. fulviceps C266 (LIMIT 3) - #8910 - .75"plant - $3.00 - pinkish body, rusty top with small green dots

L. fulviceps 'aurea' (LIMIT 3) - #7735 - .5"plant - $3.00 - light green body, yellow-green top with fine green dots

L. fulviceps v. fulviceps "lydiae" (LIMIT 3) - #8577 - .75"plant - $3.00 - pinkish tan body, speckled reddish top

L. hallii 'brown form' (LIMIT 3) - #9441 - .75"plant - $3.00 - gray-brown body, dense fine light brown islands on darker brown top

*L. hookeri v. hookeri 'vermiculate form' (LIMIT 3) - #9737 - .75"plant - $3.00 - reddish gray body, brownish top covered with fine red lines

L. hookeri v. marginata C338 (LIMIT 3) - #9835 - .75"plant - $3.00 - gray-brown body, dense fine darker markings on top

L. hookeri v. susannae (LIMIT 3) - #7209 - .5"plant - $3.00 - tan to orangish body, fine dark network of lines on top

*L. karasmontana "Mickbergensis" (LIMIT 3) - #6884 - .75"plant - $3.00 - light tan body, sparse dark brown markings on top

L. lesliei 'Albinica' (LIMIT 3) - #6969 - .5"plant - $3.00 - greenish body, darker green top with fine yellow-green markings

L. lesliei "Pietersberg form" (LIMIT 3) - #9546 - .75"plant - $3.00 - light gray body, grayish markings scattered on dark green top 

L. lesliei v. venteri (LIMIT 3) - #7218 - .75"plant - $3.00 - gray body, very fine dark green markings on top

*L. marmorata "umdausensis" (LIMIT 3) - #8280 - .75"plant - $3.00 - gray-green body with rounded top, light green markings on slightly darker top

L. salicola (LIMIT 3) - #7224 - .5"plant - $3.00 - dark gray body, olive green top with some gray flecks

L. schwantesii v. schwantesii "triebneri" C79  (LIMIT 3) - #8747 - .5"-.75"plant - $3.00 - pinkish-gray body, orangish top with sparse dark red markings

L. schwantesii v. marthae (LIMIT 5) - #7740 - .5"plant - $3.00 - gray body, some reddish lines on top

L. schwantesii v. urikosensis "kunjasensis" (LIMIT 3) - #9834 - .5"-.75"plant - $3.00 - dark gray body, textured top with scattered dark markings

* = only advertised on the web site due to limited quantities

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